The Demise of the Carrot and the Stick. Today, it’s all about purpose...

The Demise of the Carrot and the Stick. Today, it’s all about purpose...

Dan Pink in his book ‘Drive’ conducted research into what motivates and improves people performance. Pink discovered that the traditional model of carrot and stick (rewarding success and punishing failure) fails to actually motivate people. It has some effectiveness if all you require is command and control, but to generate true performance and leadership it simply is not the most effective method.

A Case Study about Old Boots: And Fear and Hubris at Nokia

With summer in Northern Europe drawing to a close, I write this intro just after a rain shower passes across southern England. So I thought it apt to launch this blog which is to some extent about old rubber wellington boots. For some, the business tale of Nokia maybe well known, so if you already know it then fine, but if you do not then read on as it is a story of fear and hubris. Which, as the nights draw in, is a potent cocktail well worth avoiding….

All Change for 2019!

Change is an inevitable fact of life. And this has proven to be the case for us. As 2019 began, we were confronted with the reality that we were no longer co-owners of the InPrint Show. I am sure you already know that Mack Brooks business was sold to RELX earlier this year and so too was InPrint.

Elon Musk and the Importance of First Principle Thinking

According to a number of very successful people, in order to innovate the best possible products, we should be Making ‘First Principle’ Decisions.

This is because often people are all guilty of not thinking clearly. The commercial pressures and the emotional energy required for innovation can be stressful and challenging and it is easy for all of this to cloud our thinking. But there is a method of thinking that is helpful in boiling things down to simple principles, in fact just one principle.

How to get to Business Paradise?

Dr. Max Mckeown has written a number of books based on change, development and leadership including Unshrink, Adaptation, The Strategy Book, The Innovation Book and most recently, Now. A while ago now I had a fascinating chat with him about his view of leadership, change, and innovation and the content is timeless and applicable.

Clearly, innovation represents change. And as is accepted right now that as industrial inkjet enters new market it is as much a commercial as it is a technical challenge. So here is how he defines and helps businesses reach paradise.